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Barbicide Powder Comb & Brush Cleaner 2 lb.

Powder Comb & Brush Cleaner

by Barbicide

  • SKU: 421004
  • Size: 2 lb.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
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Ship Shape dissolves styling product build-up on combs, brushes, rollers, fixtures and solid surfaces. One box provides more than 10,000 washes.

Features & Benefits:
Safe to use, gentle on hands and skin
Economical, one box cleans 10,000 combs and brushes.
Combs and brushes look like new, removes lotions, oils, hair color, gels, sprays and dirt from combs and brushes, leaving them looking like new.
Promotes cleanliness throughout the salon.
Ideal for cleaning sink basins, head and neck rests, vinyl upholstery, chairs and tables, leaving surfaces sparkling.
Cleans spots and stains from retail centers, telephones, doorknobs, floors, walls and more.
Complies with State Laws and EPA-Meets state laws and EPA requirements for pre-cleaning tools before immersing them in a disinfectant.
Mix 3 Tablespoons Ship-Shape powder into 1 gallon warm water in sink, shampoo bowl or plastic tub. After removing hair from dirty combs and brushes, soak in the Ship-Shape® solution, remove, rinse and air dry… items are now ready to be disinfected with Barbicide®.

Caution: Eye irritant. In case of eye contact, flush with water and get prompt medical attention.