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Davines Alchemic System Intro 40 pc.

Alchemic System Intro

by Davines

  • SKU: 251428P
  • Size: 40 pc.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
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Davines Alchemic Intro includes shampoo, conditioner, sachets, and pump.

Purchase 2 Each:
Silver Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Silver Conditioner 8.45 oz.
Golden Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Golden Conditioner 8.45 oz.
Tobacco Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Tobacco Conditioner 8.45 oz.
Red Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Red Conditioner 8.45 oz.
Copper Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Copper Conditioner 8.45 oz.
Chocolate Shampoo 8.45 oz.
Chocolate Conditioner 8.45 oz.

Receive FREE:
Silver Shampoo Liter - Stickered
Silver Conditioner - Stickered Liter
Silver Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit 12 x 0.4 oz.
Golden Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit 12 x 0.4 oz.
Copper Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit 12 x 0.4 oz.
Red Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit 12 x 0.4 oz.
Tobacco Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit  12 x 0.4 oz.
Chocolate Shampoo + Conditioner Sachet Kit 12 x 0.4 oz.
2 Alchemic Liter Pump