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eufora In The Mood Salon Intro 56 pc.

In The Mood Salon Intro

by eufora

  • SKU: 887368
  • Size: 56 pc.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
* Final pricing will be displayed in the cart.
Save with this eufora In The Mood Salon Intro and have a scentsory experience this fall.

4 BECHILL essential oil candle 8 oz.
4 INLOVE essential oil candle 8 oz.
4 INSPIRE essential oil candle 8 oz.
3 DESTRESS essential oil 0.5 oz.
3 UNWIND essential oil 0.5 oz.
3 RENEW essential oil 0.5 oz.
3 UPLIFT essential oil 0.5 oz.
3 INLOVE essential oil 0.5 oz.
4 MIXIT Natural Blending Oil 4 oz.
4 BECHILL essential oil air mist 2 oz.
4 RENEW essential oil air mist 2 oz.

Receive FREE: 
1 BECHILL essential oil candle 8 oz.
1 INLOVE essential oil candle 8 oz.
1 INSPIRE essential oil candle 8 oz.
1 DESTRESS essential oil 0.5 oz.
1 UNWIND essential oil 0.5 oz.
1 RENEW essential oil 0.5 oz.
1 UPLIFT essential oil 0.5 oz.
1 INLOVE essential oil 0.5 oz.
1 MIXIT Natural Blending Oil 4 oz.
1 BECHILL essential oil air mist 2 oz.
1 RENEW essential oil air mist 2 oz.
1 Aromatherapy Diffuser
1 Ritual Tray
1 Tester Bar with Header
1 Aromatherapy Ritual Service Card
1 Set of “Moods” Consumer Display Cards
2 Mood Manifestos