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Joico LumiShine $149 Demi-Liquid Salon Opener 35 pc.

LumiShine $149 Demi-Liquid Salon Opener

by Joico

  • SKU: 183991
  • Size: 35 pc.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
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Joico LumiShine $149 Demi-Liquid Salon Opener includes pre-selected color shades, developer, and a swatch book.

32 LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid Color Shades 2 oz. (Pre-Selected):
9NV, 10SB, 9V, 9SB, 8N, Clear, 6N, 7NwB, 10N, 9NwB, 10V, 9NA, 5N, 7SB, 8NA, 2Z-7N,6SB, 10NwB, 2Z-4N, 6NwB, 8AA, 6NA, 6AA, 8NW, 8NC, 6NV
2 LumiShine 5 Volume Developer Liter

Receive FREE:
1 Lumishine Swatchbook 

*Contents subject to change.