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Keune Exfoliate Shampoo 10.1 Fl. Oz.

Care Derma Exfoliate Shampoo

by Keune

  • SKU: 485650
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Keune Care Line Derma Exfoliate Shampoo de-flakes, refines and rebalances the scalp's natural function. It has mild cleansing and clearing properties and it especially perfect if your scalp is itchy, irritated or dandruff-prone. The active ingredients inside calm the scalp, clear dandruff and prevent new flakes from forming. Meanwhile, the shampoo’s anti-bacterial properties relax the sebaceous glands, soothing itchiness and irritation. The result: a properly functioning scalp and lovely, healthy hair.

Dandruff is a pain, but why do you get it? Here’s the cause: an abnormally high quantity of a naturally occurring scalp fungus. This fungus kicks the cell renewal process into overdrive, causing – you guessed it – dandruff. Derma Exfoliate Shampoo contains Octopirox, an active substance that halts the fungus’ excessive multiplying, clears away visible dandruff and soothes an itchy scalp.