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New b3 Color Video with Ash Fortis and Laura Kaszoni


Let passion be your guide.

“I like to push boundaries and do things other people aren’t doing. You can really inspire others through your art and you can really feel free to be yourself and explore different avenues with hair,” Ash Fortis said.

Ash Fortis and Laura Kaszoni both allow their creativity to lead the way as they travel and educate across the country, all the while raising their families at home. 

“My passion brought me to where I’m at today,” Kaszoni said.

A setback two years ago didn’t prevent her from doing hair; it motivated her to buy a mannequin head and practice styles until she got them right. Now, she has 348,000 followers on Instagram and is pairing up with Butterfly Circus, where her and Fortis first met.

“We connected right away. I loved her free spirit,” Kaszoni said.

Purchase b3 Brazilian Bond Builder at Paramount Beauty.