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Eufora Videos

Wellness and Business Education a Priority at Eufora’s VisionQuest 2017


More than 1,000 beauty professionals attended leadership, business, and wellness classes at the Eufora International VisionQuest at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa on November 5 and 6.

In the biggest VisionQuest to date, the conference reached a high point during the “Beauty Under the Stars” celestial cocktail party when Creative Director Philip Carreon and the rest of the Eufora Creative Team led a runway presentation and cutting demonstration.

Read Estetica Magazine’s article for a full recap of VisionQuest and log in or register at Paramount Beauty to shop the entire line of Eufora International products.

In the article, Co-Founder of Eufora International, Beth Bewley, said “...Salon professionals are not just craving creative and technical cutting education, but are also looking for business and wellness education – topics that have always been important to us at Eufora.”