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New b3 Color Video With Wes Palmer and Kasey O’Hara Skrobe


Learn about how Wes Palmer (@wesdoeshair) and Kasey O’Hara Skrobe (@hairbykaseyoh) strengthen each other’s skills using b3 Brazilian Bond Builder in the newest “Conversations at the Color Bar.”

“We both learn a lot from each other. I think that’s because of our personalities. No matter what the task is, we’re able to pull together and make it work,” Palmer said in the video.

After a major injury that shattered her elbow and fractured her wrist four years ago, Skrobe said she was told she couldn’t do hair again.

“Obviously that was my passion. I pushed through. I went to physical therapy. I did it every day. I would do it again in a second to have the opportunities I have today.”

Wes moved out to California five years ago, but ended up moving back to Houston after he didn’t make it. Five years later, and now he’s working in Los Angeles again with Skrobe.

Clients wanting vivid colors and mermaid hair flock to this duo for their hair appointments. After all, clients are concerned about breakage and how their hair’s going to feel, Skrobe said, which is why b3 is such a game changer. The bond builder allows them to perform vivid colors while maintaining the integrity of the hair.

“It’s helped me create different things that weren’t possible before because I was afraid of damaging the hair so I just wouldn’t do it. With b3, I feel like a superhero,” Palmer said.

His advice for stylists would be to go for it. It can be scary but if you don’t go for it, you’ll never know, he said.

“Do free hair,” Skrobe said. “You want to have that content? You want to do rainbow hair? You want to be known for that? Don’t wait for that. Go get it.”

To purchase b3 Brazilian Bond Builder, log in or register at Paramount Beauty.