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For You

Is Air Quality a Top Priority in Your Salon?


Hair Care professionals are accustomed to the chemical fumes associated with a salon: from hair dyes, bleach and chemicals, aerosol sprays and other products. However … just because you’re used to them doesn’t mean customers want to be annoyed with those odors.

Now, especially due to the pandemic, customers are paying more attention to indoor air quality and particularly its impact on their health. After all, if the smell of hair spray is lingering, what are the chances that the air in your salon is harboring something more dangerous?

Telltale signs your suite needs ventilation upgrades to improve indoor air quality:
  • Strong odors persist 10 minutes after using a product
  • Odors drift into the hall
  • Beads of water form on walls
  • Fine layers of dust from products accumulate on floors and furnishings
  • Windows fog up
  • Clients or employees complain about nasty odors or stickiness
  • Employees complain of health issues that are connected with poor air quality (such as headaches or respiratory issues)

You don't want to be that stylist that puts its clients at risk.

Your clients come to you because they want to look good, but just as importantly they want to feel good! 
‍So, it’s your aim to make them feel pampered and make their visit the highlight of their day. You want them to have eager anticipation for their next visit. How are you going to do that?
Besides providing them with excellent, personalized services from a caring staff, you must provide them with a comfortable, healthy and relaxing atmosphere. An essential part of providing this enticing climate is to improve indoor air quality and suite ventilation

Air Purifiers Help Improve Indoor Air Quality

A standalone air purifier can be very useful for providing fresh air and removing nearly all the dust and vapor particles not removed by your spaces typical HVAC system. These air cleaners are outfitted with HEPA (High Energy Particulate Air Filters), which are designed to remove dust and vapors in the air that is in close proximity to the unit. If you are concerned about the spread of COVID in your space, you should consider an air purifier.