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New b3 Color Series Video with Iris Smith and Josie Vilay


View the latest “Conversations at the Color Bar” from b3 Brazilian Bond Builder to learn more about how Iris Smith and Josie Vilay create the perfect color with b3.

As members of the Butterfly Circus, they do a lot of education and shows with them. Together, they did their first class this April and instantly clicked. They’re known as a color correction duo of sorts, something that mostly sprung from Smith opening her own salon.

“When I opened my own salon I was the leader of the pack. I had no one to turn to to learn from and I had to learn on my own,” Smith said.

“A lot of clients come in with a level 2 hair and a lot of stylists are scared to take them to a level 9 with still keeping the hair healthy,” Josie said. “I like taking on a challenge and I know, in some cases, I can take the hair to final result she wants to achieve.”